Directed by James Gray
Halon shoots for the stars with the ambitious science fiction film, AD ASTRA. The story follows a brave astronaut who ventures into space to discover the whereabouts of his long-lost-father, whose work with experimental technology threatens the future of mankind. VFX Producer Allen Maris leads a team of talented artists along side Halon Previs Supervisors Casey Pyke and Andre Mercier with Postvis Supervisor Clint Reagan. Together, with Cinematographer Hoyte Van Hoyteman, they assist director James Gray in crafting his unique vision of the stars and beyond.
Halon Team Credits
Previs Supervisors:
Andre Mercier
Clint Reagan
Postvis Supervisors:
Casey Pyke
Previs & Postvis Artists:
Samuel Baese
Allie Barlow
James Cordero
James Gammans
Faris Hermiz
Don Netzel
Sean O’Connor
Grant Olin
Eric Oliver
Kyoung “Kay” Park
Todd Patterson
Ron Rhee
James E. Riveros
Mike Sill
Kristin Marie Turnipseed
Zack Wong
Tim Xenakis
Alexandria Johnson
Tommy Souza
Richard Enriquez
Executive Producer:
Chris Ferriter
Previs Intern:
Fiona Ho Bao Er