72 and Sunny

Joe Kosinski

Duration: 5 Weeks Previs, 1 Week Postvis

Halon Team Credits

Previsualization Supervisor
AJ Briones

Previs Artists
Buffy Bailey
Kenny DiGiordano
Spencer Kelsey
Andre Mercier
Andrew Moffet
Grant Olin
Casey Pyke
Clint G. Reagan
Ben Shupe
Travis Yee
Paolo Joel Ziemba

Postvis Artists
Nathan Hopkins
Zachary Wong

The Story
Previs Supervisor AJ Briones and his team at HALON worked closely with Director Joe Kosinski, Digital Domain and the agency 72 and Sunny to create the epic live-action commercial for the highly-anticipated first person shooter Destiny.

Seamlessly integrating motion capture and keyframe animation, HALON was able to deliver a kinetic, high-action spot spanning multiple environments and characters. The end result was the delivery of scene files that laid the groundwork as the first layout pass for the finals team at Digital Domain.