Directed by Brad Bird
Previs Duration: 1 Year 2 Months
Postvis Duration: 8.6 Months
Halon was asked to come in and help visionary director Brad Bird envision Tomorrowland. We of course wanted to stay true to the Walt Disney legacy of his most prized creation but we also wanted to recreate what tomorrow would possibly become. Brad had brilliant ideas and looked to us to figure out the best way to tell his story. It was a great pleasure to work on a film that will bring us back to wonder.
Halon Team Credits
Previs Supervisors
E . Bradley Alexander
AJ Briones
Tefft Smith II
Previs Artists
Buffy Bailey
Bryan Chojnowski
Andrew Greenlee
Spencer Kelsey
Daniel McCue
Grant Olin
Todd Patterson
Casey Pyke
Nathaniel Smith
Zachary Wong
Travis Yee
Paolo Joel Ziemba
Jerry Zigounakis
Postvis Supervisor
Michael G. Jackson
Postvis Artists
Robert Diaz
Kenny DiGiordano
Nathan Hopkins
Ryan McCoy
Craig D. McPherson
Andre Mercier
Andrew Moffett
Tefft Smith II
Zachary Wong
Travis Yee
Patrice Avery