? Title: Kerbal Space Program 2 Publisher: Private Division Developer: Star Theory Director: Ryan McCoy Service(s): Pr4K 2 minute Cinematic Trailer using up-resed game assets Project Duration: 7 weeks We collaborated with Star Theory and Private Division on the...
HOME SERVICES CONTACT PROJECTS CAREERS ABOUT US Directed by Daniel D. Gregoire Halon worked with 2K Games and Gearbox to create this high-energy trailer to introduce the world to Borderlands 3. The team, led by Halon Supervisor Andre Mercier, was responsible for...
The Story Directed by Daniel D. Gregoire, the Division Survival trailer was developed for the announcement of The Division’s Survival DLC. Using in-game assets and rendered in Ubisoft’s proprietary Snowdrop engine, the HALON team created a desolate cityscape...
Cinematics Directed by Daniel D. Gregoire HALON Director & CEO, Daniel D. Gregoire, lead a team of artists on two key story sequences on the critically-acclaimed title, XCOM 2, which is developed by Firaxis Games and published by 2K. With Gregoire...